There is a prescheduled time frame to submit your bid for every NIT. If you watch a notice inviting tender (NIT) lately and feel that there is very less time to participate, you can write a letter to the customer requesting to extend the due time of bid submission. Here is a typical example of such letter.
When you are preparing a techno-commercial offer against a notice inviting tender, you have to assess the entire scope of supply and work to get an exact estimation and pricing. Accordingly, sometimes you may need a few more times than the specified time schedule to submit your offer mentioned in the NIT. In such case, you may send a requesting letter which is one of the important types of business letter, to the notice inviter to extend the time schedule for bid submission which is mentioned in the NIT and customers often consider such request if they feel its reality. However, a typical format of the letter on this subject is being given below for your reference. Also, note that you need the letterhead of your organization to write such a letter and to get a positive result. That's why the sender's address is skipped here.
[Name of Purchaser (organization)],
[Address of the organization]
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
Article by Chaitali Ray Chaudhuri (Datta)
Chaitali is a freelance writer from India, likes to share knowledge/information through her various articles to continue her writing passion and an editor of the most successful educational portal, shortly ISC.
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