Graduate Study in Mechanical Engineering

The master's degree requires a minimum of thirty approved credit hours. Students may elect to earn nine of these hours by writing a thesis, or they may earn all credit toward the degree through coursework. Six hours of credit for graduate courses taken as an undergraduate at Georgia Tech and used for credit toward the BS ME may be included in the MS program of study if the student graduated with an undergraduate grade-point average of at least 3.5. Students must earn a graduate grade-point average of at least 3.0 and satisfy all remaining requirements to be certified for the master's degree.

Candidates for the Doctor of Philosophy degree must earn a graduate grade-point average of at least 3.3. Students may obtain additional information about the programs by viewing the Woodruff School Handbook for Graduate Students. Every student enrolled must consult this source of information with respect to special rules and degree requirements.

The graduate program in nuclear and radiological engineering/medical physics leads to the degrees of

In nuclear and radiological engineering, students with a bachelor's degree in engineering pursue the Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering degree, while students with a Bachelor of Science degree in other fields enroll for the Master of Science degree. Depending on the career objectives of the student, the Woodruff School may encourage a thesis as part of the Master of Science program. Nuclear and radiological engineering students must earn a graduate grade-point average of at least 3.0 and satisfy all remaining requirements to be certified for the master's degree.

The doctoral program is designed with great latitude to capitalize on variations in experience and interests of individual students. Candidates for the Doctor of Philosophy degree must earn a graduate grade-point average of at least 3.3.

Master's Degrees

Doctoral Degrees

Educational Objectives

The educational objectives of the doctoral programs in the Woodruff School are:

The educational objectives of the master's degree programs in the Woodruff School are: